Last weekend, Julia and I did our first practice run here in the city. We wanted to see how our bikes would handle fully geared, as well as gauge how long it takes to cycle 40 kms. We left our place at 6am in order to make it on time to my parents place for brunch. It took us 4 hours to cycle from Westhills through downtown and then South to Cranston. We would have done it in less, but we ended up walking for an hour because of deep snow. All in all, it was a successful practice and it has made us even more excited than before. 38 DAYS TO GO!!! Here are a few pictures of our early morning voyage.

Julia with her mighty steed.

Myself with "The Thunder", (I've decided my bike might be less abusive towards me if I gave it a cool name).

Here's Julia with all of her cycling gear stuffed into a duffle bag. This will be how we transport our gear onto planes, trains, buses and the odd donkey.