Saturday, December 22, 2007


Once again our time here has been short. The passport trouble in Thailand really slowed us down. Jakarta has been interesting. People have been mostly friendly and the mice even more. I guess while I was passed out from too much cool-aid, Julia had a little fella trot across her chin. Supposedly she screamed and had a little freak-out, but because of the lemonade I slept like a baby.

We're off to Perth for the holidays and are really looking forward to spending it with our friends Peter and Christine who have welcomed us into their home to experience a true Australian Christmas. I wish the best to everyone and hope you all have happy holidays and many good times!!


Unfortunately our time here was VERY short. With only 6hrs to wake up (in Malaysia), cycle 40kms, and then package our bikes for our flight to Indonesia we experienced Singapore in a blink. One thing I did notice, for a country that's fairly strict on crude public behaviour there sure weren't enough toilets around for those with troubled stomachs.


Malaysia was excellent!! Friendly people, great roads and no problems!! Kuala Lumpur was nicer than we had expected and we didn't see one sweatshop! Awesome!!

Monday, December 3, 2007


I can finally post Thailand, though we're not quite through yet. We've been eating away our time down South and enjoying some of the world's most remarkable beaches. It seems that every time I'm updating I have excuses as to why we're held up. This month's excuse is passports. Our BRAND NEW passports have run out of space and the Canadian Embassy forgot to tell us that they no longer add pages onto existing passports. Can you believe it??!! So we've applied for new ones and have been told they should arrive within 2 weeks. That was over a week ago. We're currently in Krabi and will be back on our bikes tomorrow heading to the Malaysian border. Once we're there I'll be taking the train back to Bangkok to retrieve our new passports, while Julia keeps an eye on our stuff at the border.

The riding to Krabi was excellent!! Great roads, fantastic people and awesome weather. It was so fantastic that we were able to beat our old record of 145km in one day, to a big-time 177km.....yes we were tired and I'm not too keen on attempting to surpass that one but we'll see. Another good note is we are very close to our 10,000km mark and should be reaching it by the time we get to Singapore, can't wait!!

The beaches have been a thrill with great snorkelling, cliff-jumping, waterfall climbing, scuba-diving, tiger petting and a bit out-of-hand drunkenness.

The tiger petting was a bit weird, since the tiger was on more drugs than the total amount at a Pink Floyd concert and when Julia snuggled close to it he let out a moan like he had a bad case of Moroccan diarrhia....I felt his pain. On the other hand, my tiger was on the ball!! He had his good coveralls on and he was running around the zoo collecting rabbits....what a guy!!