On March 21st, Steve came to the school where I teach, and together, we gave a presentation to the entire student body about our trip. Steve was a superstar, and I had a blast! The kids really enjoyed it too, and the next day, so many kids came up to talk to me that I felt almost famous! We brought all of our gear, set up our tent, and presented a lengthy slide show infused with humor. It actually took a lot longer to prepare than we anticipated, but it was totally worth it to see how excited and into our speech they were. I told Steve that we should become some sort of husband and wife team, and do this sort of thing for a living, but I think that he was more nervous to present to the students than he is to go on this trip! He was really amazing though - I don't think too many other husbands would spend hours planning, take a day off work to present, haul all of the gear to the school and back...just because his wife asked him to. At the end of our presentation, we handed out little packets with a piece of paper inside and a tiny polished stone. We called these "Dream Stones", and told the children to think about what they really wanted in life, write it on the piece of paper, and put the stone in their pocket or under their pillow to remind them of their dream. So many students were pumped up about this part too. It was a really great feeling, giving them joy and a sense of hope. We've been invited back to my school to present again when we return - for sure we'll do it! Here are a few photos that Steve's sister, Gill took. She brought her 3 year old son, Caleb, to watch us. It meant a lot to us that she was able to come!

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