Good Times!! A bit crowded, polluted, dirty, aggressive and hard to understand, but all in all good times! We started in Tangier and cycled down to Settat (just North of Merrekesh and the gateway to the Sahara). From there we caught a 12 hour bus to the desert where we rode a camel through the dunes and spent a night underneath the stars. On the way back i suffered from my first case of traveller's be blunt explosive craps and mass puking! I was very sick and had to spend the entire time cramped in the same bus we came in without A/C and +35 celsius weather. Needless to say I threw out my underwear and am dying to get back on my bike.
We're currently in Casablanca and are waiting for our flight to Venice where we will cycle down to Bari and catch a ferry to Greece. I'm feeling much better and looking forward to some spaghetti. I hope all is well with everyone.....until next time!!
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