Turkey was surprisingly fantastic!! Niether one of us thought we would enjoy our time here as much as we have. Maramis was the town we ferried into and it was a complete party scene, with bars stretched out for miles. The people have been extremely friendly and the beaches are pristine! The only downside to Turkey is the heat. İt has been above 40 the entire time. We thought Greece was bad but the heat here ıs stifling.
We had a great time riding through the country side where we ran into the cops, a very dırty shower stall, a "healthy" cat, a big rooster and even a forest fire. I attempted to fight off the flames with my little 2L water sac, but the inferno was too intense....my foresty buddies would have been proud. The shower stall was disgusting with tiny little "shower cobras" attemptıng to wriggle themselves into your toes.
The cops were nice, they ran over me with their car and then invited us in for drinks and snacks (just kidding about the car). Julia and the one cop, with the semi-automatic rifle over his shoulder, exchanged hunting stories where Julia bragged about the moose she shot last year with her Dad, and the Turkish policeman boasted hunting terrorists.
The cat and the rooster were HUGE and would have made nice bıg babies if they could mate. To answer a few questions in our guestbook: To Scotty yes, our asses are getting tight....thanks for asking and to Auntie Sandy the push-ups are going well. I tried to download an update but the Gigabytes were not big enough to contain the size of my massive pipes....I hope everyone understands.
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